the symbolic link should be active and functional. After the catalina upgrade I started noticing the Documents folder in the sidebar stopped pointing to my external. Dropbox resolves symbolic links (symlinks, soft link) by default. On Dropbox servers, symlinks are completely replaced by the data they point to, so that you have the actual data in the cloud - not just a pointer to it. If the external disk’s identifier has changed, all we need to do is update the symbolic link. Then ln -s /Volumes/External Drive Name/Documents Documents. Once the Symlink is created, it tricks the Finder into making a backup of your iPhone to the New Location (Desktop, External Storage or other location). We will examine the way to do this in Mac/Windows.
and the 'complete' folder (s) on the new drive. Symbolic links, or symlinks, are part of the underlying file system that the UNIX BSD kernel in OS X uses as its backbone. Finished! The correct way of do this is to use symbolic links. Test it out for a while to verify that it works, when you are happy with it you can delete. Rename the Documents folder on the Mac to Documents-old. Launch Bitcoin-qt from Applications in Finder and let the 'Reindexing blocks on disk. This works great for syncing folders outside your Dropbox! It is an obscure feature-not-a-bug. Mac symbolic link to external drive IMPORTANT: you _must_ create symbolic links.